Dear All Staff,
Dear Team,
Just when I thought it was safe to say we were COVID free – our Hope Valley home has reported two (2) cases of COVID in Darling Wing.
Our Outbreak Management Plan has been re-enacted.
The two (2) residents are in quarantine and DARLING WING is a RED Zone
Staff in Darling Wing adhering to full PPE requirements (N95 mask / gowns / gloves / face shields or googles)
All these zones require N95 face masks only
We have a dedicated Darling Wing Outbreak Management Plan in place to ensure we minimise risk of transmission to the rest of Daring Wing and Snowy and Swan Wing.
This has been communicated to all staff and the Plan is readily available.
I have attached the DONNING AND DOFFING sequence again as well as the “fit checking” of N95 face masks as a reminder.
AS A REMINDER – continue to monitor for cold and flu like symptoms and if unwell DO NOT COME TO WORK and GET PCR tested!!!
We currently have NIL staff with COVID across either site.
If you have any issues or concerns we urge you to make contact with our Executive Team for support and to debrief.
Yesterday we were so excited to celebrate with our staff and residents the Annual Ananda “STAR” Employee of the Year Awards.
We have amazing staff who have demonstrated their commitment to Compassion, Comfort, Care over the past twelve (12) months and yesterday celebrated their success and achievements.
It was wonderful to celebrate this day with our residents.
Our Winners
Chef Trevor who strives to make a difference in all things food related. Chef Trevor is quick to go and meet with residents / families to discuss their individual needs and choices. Chef Trevor understand the importance of food and food presentation and has been doing some remarkable work in the area of meals that require modification to meet resident’s safe swallowing requirements. Presentation as so important.
Dino our Wellness and Engagement extraordinaire – Dino brings the music and joy to Ananda and our residents thoroughly enjoy his evening concerts and origami making. Dino’s creativity and joy is infectious – even during times of COVID and quarantine – Dino still brought the music (and laughter)
Rosie our carer from Murray Wing goes “above and beyond” in her care. The feedback from residents, her co-workers and families is amazing. Rosie brings the “care” to Compassion, Comfort, Care!!
Our Winners each received an Ananda STAR Certificate of Achievement, a voucher and their name on the Ananda STAR plaque which will be on proud display for everyone to see!!!!!
We also had a number of staff Commendations to give out for staff that also went “above and beyond” and we wanted to celebrate and recognise their achievements
Enrolled Nurses Teresa and Carly
CADnurse Belinda
CNC Naina
Cleaner Nanita
Rostering Kim
HR/Admin Rupinder
Congratulations to all our Ananda STARS you inspire us every day!!!
We can’t wait to recognise and celebrate the successes with our Findon team when we do the Ananda STAR Employee Awards there later this month ……. We have some amazing STARS there as well!!!!
Have you done your 360 Degree Performance Assessment and Appraisal Review?
Please make a time with Milka / David at Findon and Rhea / Naina / Belinda at HV
Our Hospitality Team please make a time to do this with Kamal.
Clinical Staff – have you completed your practical CPR and Wound assessment? Please see Naina or Milka to complete.
Please see Naina, Belinda, Milka, Bosko, Kamal or myself if you wish to discuss further.
Once again thank you for your ongoing support and encouragement during these challenging times.
Kind Regards
Karen Daniels-Goddard
Dear All Staff,
Further to our Staff Blog last week we have been notified of additional staff that have tested positive to COVID-19.
In total we have nine (9) staff across both homes who have recently tested positive five (5) staff Hope Valley and four (4) staff at Findon.
All staff are doing well and we continue to stay in contact with them.
We have trace contacted all staff that have come into contact with these team members and all results have come back NEGATIVE.
In order to ensure the ongoing safety of our community we have also undertaken PCR testing of all residents over a 48 hour trajectory period with recent testing at Findon on 9.3.22 and further PCR planned for 11.3.22 and 13.3.22 and Hope Valley PCR testing was done on 10.3.22 and further testing scheduled on 12.3.22
With the recent increase in community transmission this is being done out of an abundance of caution.
Please note we have also been advised of multiple family members that have tested positive to COVID-19 or are deemed close contacts.
Full PPE will remain insitu across both homes.
All staff will be required to wear N95 masks, gowns and gloves at this time and undertake RAT testing prior to commencement of all shifts, with the exception of the kitchen teams who do not wear the gowns but do wear kitchen aprons.
***We cannot not stress this enough if you are feeling unwell please DO NOT COME TO WORK you must get a PCR test and have a NEGATIVE result and are feeling better prior to coming back to work***
We continue to liaise and follow the directions as set out by SA Health in the Residential Aged Care Facilities Interim Guidance for the Management of COVID-19 Outbreaks and follow the Emergency Management Directions (now revised).
We understand that this is an overwhelming time and we reinforce to all of our staff that our Executive Team is always available for any issues or support and we urge you to make contact as you need. Please everyone stay safe!
Please continue to participate in the weekly PCR screens available for ALL staff – we have identified x2 staff recently through this process and were able to quickly safeguard our community.
Please see Naina, Belinda, Leesa and Rhea at Hope Valley and Daniel or Marjorie at Findon Mon-Fri between 10-4pm to get your weekly PCR screen.
If you are requiring a PCR screen outside of this time please contact the RN in Charge.
We are currently reviewing the annual mandatory staff training packages via Ananda Academy and they will be ready for staff to access and complete in the next week.
Watch this space for updates.
REMINDER the bi-monthly SA Health Infection Control and COVID-19 online training is due by 30/3/22 – this is for all clinical / care / lifestyle staff to complete.
Please see Rupinder, Prabhuli or Sheryl and David if you need assistance to complete.
All Clinical Staff we will be hosting a Clinical Education session later this month with a focus on
Dates will be circulated shortly following the recent COVID-19 PCR resident results.
As many of you are aware the Federal Government has provided funds for a staff bonus for staff that are entitled to this.
Head Office have provided the information to the Federal Govt and are now awaiting the next step to access these funds.
Once received we will ensure all staff entitled to this payment will receive it.
This is likely to occur late March 2022 or early APRIL 2022.
Last Friday we celebrated Staff Appreciation Day
We celebrated with staff across our homes for the amazing work that you have all been doing and our residents wanted to share their thanks and appreciation with some amazing words of support.
We have left the posters around the home so you can all take inspiration as to why we all do what we do. The residents truly appreciate it!!!!!
Finally it has been great to get back to Findon this week and catch up with so many staff, residents and families.
The team at Findon have been doing an amazing job with the ongoing support and leadership of Daniel, Marjorie, Kamal and David.
As we reach our new level of COVID-19 normality I am looking forward to splitting my time between both Hope Valley and Findon.
Once again thank you for your ongoing support and encouragement during these challenging times.
Please do not hesitate to contact me, Naina (CNC Hope Valley), Daniel (CNC Findon) or Bosko (HRBP) if you would like to discuss further.
Kind Regards
Karen Daniels – Goddard
COVID-19 UPDATE 11.2.22
Dear All Staff,
COVID-19 continues to bring challenges across both our homes.
As reported in our last Staff Blog we have had a number of staff test positive to COVID-19 in the past two weeks.
I am happy to report that these staff members are currently quarantining at home and all are doing well – we are so looking forward to them returning once they have their SA Health clearance.
We are in contact with them to ensure they are doing well as well as contact with SA Health.
At Hope Valley we now have five (5) staff who have tested positive since 31/1/22 and at Findon two (2) staff members tested positive since 4/2/22.
The staff members deemed close contacts have all done a PCR tests done.
Unfortunately we now have a further two (2) resident’s test positive at Findon late yesterday in ROSE Wing, taking the total number of positive cases to three (3).
As we have had positive staff cases and resident positive cases we are now undertaking frequent PCR tests with all residents and staff across both homes.
HOPE VALLEY – A1 and A2 are on 72 hour PCR testing – next testing on 12/2/22 in A1 and 13/2 and 16/2 in A2
FINDON – ROSE Wing 48 hourly PCR testing IRIS Wing 72 hour testing – next testing 13/2, 15/2 and 17/2
ROSE WING at FINDON remains in a RED Zone (full quarantine – no visitors)
IRIS WING AMBER Zone (further PCR testing was done today)
TARA / HAZEL currently AMBER Zone – moving to a GREEN ZONE
A1 is an AMBER ZONE – moving soon to a GREEN ZONE post PCR testing on 12/2/22 (if NEGATIVE results)
A2 is an AMBER ZONE on high alert following recent COVID-19 exposure
Clinpath and the Clinical Staff have been exceptional undertaking all these PCR tests.
REMINDER – It is essential that if you are feeling unwell you notify the site and speak with the RN in Charge / HR Bosko / Daniel / Marjorie / Naina / Belinda or myself and do not attend the home until you have NEGATIVE PCR test and are feeling better.
Thank you to our clinical team for being able to do these PCR tests so efficiently and timely, it gives us a better chance to manage this COVID situation.
FULL PPE – long sleeve gowns / N95 masks and gloves MUST be worn when on site in BOTH HOMES
Hope Valley A2 and IRIS / ROSE Wing at Findon must include face shields and googles.
ONLY STAFF ALLOCATED TO WORK IN ROSE WING CAN ENTER – Daniel and David have provided thorough instructions and directions to staff in ROSE Wing to reduce transmission of COVID
Please remember you are rostered / allocated into specific areas of the home. This provides a greater level of protection for ALL staff, residents and our Ananda Community.
We continue to have the Outbreak Management Plan activated -this have been reviewed and updated with copies with the RN in Charge.
ALL Staff MUST continue to undertake daily RAT tests on commencement of their shift – if it is POSITIVE please immediately leave the premises and proceed to the car park – contact the RN in Charge for further information including getting a PCR test.
If your initial RAT test is positive you do not need to do another RAT test, you need to have a PCR done. This deems as POSITIVE to COVID-19.
I am considering bringing in weekly PCR screening tests in addition to the daily RAT tests for all staff out of an abundance of caution.
We continue to liaise and follow the directions as set out by SA Health in the Residential Aged Care Facilities Interim Guidance for the Management of COVID-19 Outbreaks and follow the Emergency Management Directions. Please take the time to read these guidelines and our Outbreak Management Plan as it governs and supports our practice.
I am in daily contact with both SA Health and the Commonwealth Department of Health with updates.
As a reminder we are continuing to support visitors to both homes and do ask that the following occurs to reduce the risk of transmission. This may change at any time.
We understand that this is an overwhelming time and we reinforce to all of our staff that our Executive Team is always available for any issues or support and we urge you to make contact as you need. Please everyone stay safe!
Welcome Bosko Zigic our HR Business Partner
Following the departure of Puga, we are pleased to announce the appointment of Bosko to the HR Business Partner role.
Bosko will be supporting Ananda across the HR domain.
Working with the Admin, Reception and Rostering Team including Hilary, Prabhuli, Akasha, Rupinder, Sheryl and Kim to continue to deliver high levels of HR and admin support.
We welcome Akasha to the reception role at Findon – already making a great impact with her friendly and compassionate nature.
Rupinder has relocated to Hope Valley to assist Bosko with the HR support role especially around COVID administration management and contact tracing.
Dementia Training Australia (DTA) has some amazing “on-line” training course “free of charge”
These courses are great for Clinical, Care, Wellness and Engagement Staff as well great information for our kitchen, cleaning, laundry, and maintenance and admin teams.
Take the time to browse the link below and start doing some of the courses.
Access to these course: https://dta.com.au/
In addition to the above our clinical staff may wish to participate in the University of Tasmania “The Wicking Dementia Centre” courses around Understanding Dementia / Understanding Traumatic Brain Injury / Preventing Dementia.
Finally we received an amazing letter from COTA today thanking staff working in the Aged Care industry for your extraordinary work – we wanted to share the letter with you all.
Once again thank you for your ongoing support and encouragement during these challenging times.
Please do not hesitate to contact me, Naina (CNC Hope Valley), Daniel (CNC Findon) or Bosko (HRBP) if you would like to discuss further.
Kind Regards
Karen Daniels-Goddard
COVID-19 UPDATE 11.2.22
Dear All Staff,
These courses are great for Clinical, Care, Wellness and Engagement Staff as well great information for our kitchen, cleaning, laundry, and maintenance and admin teams.
COVID-19 continues to bring challenges across both our homes.
As reported in our last Staff Blog we have had a number of staff test positive to COVID-19 in the past two weeks.
I am happy to report that these staff members are currently quarantining at home and all are doing well – we are so looking forward to them returning once they have their SA Health clearance.
We are in contact with them to ensure they are doing well as well as contact with SA Health.
At Hope Valley we now have five (5) staff who have tested positive since 31/1/22 and at Findon two (2) staff members tested positive since 4/2/22.
The staff members deemed close contacts have all done a PCR tests done.
Unfortunately we now have a further two (2) resident’s test positive at Findon late yesterday in ROSE Wing, taking the total number of positive cases to three (3).
As we have had positive staff cases and resident positive cases we are now undertaking frequent PCR tests with all residents and staff across both homes.
HOPE VALLEY – A1 and A2 are on 72 hour PCR testing – next testing on 12/2/22 in A1 and 13/2 and 16/2 in A2
FINDON – ROSE Wing 48 hourly PCR testing IRIS Wing 72 hour testing – next testing 13/2, 15/2 and 17/2
ROSE WING at FINDON remains in a RED Zone (full quarantine – no visitors)
IRIS WING AMBER Zone (further PCR testing was done today)
TARA / HAZEL currently AMBER Zone – moving to a GREEN ZONE
A1 is an AMBER ZONE – moving soon to a GREEN ZONE post PCR testing on 12/2/22 (if NEGATIVE results)
A2 is an AMBER ZONE on high alert following recent COVID-19 exposure
Clinpath and the Clinical Staff have been exceptional undertaking all these PCR tests.
REMINDER – It is essential that if you are feeling unwell you notify the site and speak with the RN in Charge / HR Bosko / Daniel / Marjorie / Naina / Belinda or myself and do not attend the home until you have NEGATIVE PCR test and are feeling better.
Thank you to our clinical team for being able to do these PCR tests so efficiently and timely, it gives us a better chance to manage this COVID situation.
FULL PPE – long sleeve gowns / N95 masks and gloves MUST be worn when on site in BOTH HOMES
Hope Valley A2 and IRIS / ROSE Wing at Findon must include face shields and googles.
ONLY STAFF ALLOCATED TO WORK IN ROSE WING CAN ENTER – Daniel and David have provided thorough instructions and directions to staff in ROSE Wing to reduce transmission of COVID
Please remember you are rostered / allocated into specific areas of the home. This provides a greater level of protection for ALL staff, residents and our Ananda Community.
We continue to have the Outbreak Management Plan activated -this have been reviewed and updated with copies with the RN in Charge.
ALL Staff MUST continue to undertake daily RAT tests on commencement of their shift – if it is POSITIVE please immediately leave the premises and proceed to the car park – contact the RN in Charge for further information including getting a PCR test.
If your initial RAT test is positive you do not need to do another RAT test, you need to have a PCR done. This deems as POSITIVE to COVID-19.
I am considering bringing in weekly PCR screening tests in addition to the daily RAT tests for all staff out of an abundance of caution.
We continue to liaise and follow the directions as set out by SA Health in the Residential Aged Care Facilities Interim Guidance for the Management of COVID-19 Outbreaks and follow the Emergency Management Directions. Please take the time to read these guidelines and our Outbreak Management Plan as it governs and supports our practice.
I am in daily contact with both SA Health and the Commonwealth Department of Health with updates.
As a reminder we are continuing to support visitors to both homes and do ask that the following occurs to reduce the risk of transmission. This may change at any time.
We understand that this is an overwhelming time and we reinforce to all of our staff that our Executive Team is always available for any issues or support and we urge you to make contact as you need. Please everyone stay safe!
Welcome Bosko Zigic our HR Business Partner
Following the departure of Puga, we are pleased to announce the appointment of Bosko to the HR Business Partner role.
Bosko will be supporting Ananda across the HR domain.
Working with the Admin, Reception and Rostering Team including Hilary, Prabhuli, Akasha, Rupinder, Sheryl and Kim to continue to deliver high levels of HR and admin support.
We welcome Akasha to the reception role at Findon – already making a great impact with her friendly and compassionate nature.
Rupinder has relocated to Hope Valley to assist Bosko with the HR support role especially around COVID administration management and contact tracing.
Dementia Training Australia (DTA) has some amazing “on-line” training course “free of charge”
Take the time to browse the link below and start doing some of the courses.
Access to these course: https://dta.com.au/
In addition to the above our clinical staff may wish to participate in the University of Tasmania “The Wicking Dementia Centre” courses around Understanding Dementia / Understanding Traumatic Brain Injury / Preventing Dementia.
Finally we received an amazing letter from COTA today thanking staff working in the Aged Care industry for your extraordinary work – we wanted to share the letter with you all.
Once again thank you for your ongoing support and encouragement during these challenging times.
Please do not hesitate to contact me, Naina (CNC Hope Valley), Daniel (CNC Findon) or Bosko (HRBP) if you would like to discuss further.
Kind Regards
Karen Daniels-Goddard
Dear All Staff,
As you are aware we have a number of staff that have tested positive to COVID-19 across both our homes.
These staff members are currently quarantining at home and all are doing well.
We are in contact with them to ensure they are doing well as well as contact with SA Health.
At Hope Valley we have four (4) staff who have tested positive since 31/1/22 and at Findon two (2) staff members tested positive since 4/2/22.
The staff members deemed close contacts have all done a PCR tests done with NEGATIVE results so far.
As we have had positive staff cases we are now undertaking frequent PCR tests with all residents and staff across both homes.
Unfortunately we also now have a resident test positive at Findon in ROSE Wing.
HOPE VALLEY – A1 and A2 are on 72 hour PCR testing
FINDON – ROSE Wing 48 hourly PCR / IRIS Wing 72 hour testing and TARA / HAZEL have a further test in 72 hours
At this stage ROSE WING at FINDON is a RED Zone (full quarantine – no visitors)
TARA / HAZEL currently AMBER Zone just till the remainder of the PCR results come through
A1 is an AMBER ZONE – moving soon to a GREEN ZONE
A2 is an AMBER ZONE on high alert following recent COVID-19 exposure
Clinpath and the Clinical Staff have been exceptional undertaking all these PCR tests.
It is essential that if you are feeling unwell you notify the site and speak with the RN in Charge / HR Bosko / Daniel / Marjorie / Naina / Belinda or myself and do not attend the home until you have NEGATIVE PCR test and are feeling better.
Thank you to our clinical team for being able to do these PCR tests so efficiently and timely, it gives us a better chance to manage this COVID situation.
FULL PPE – long sleeve gowns / N95 masks and gloves MUST be worn when on site in BOTH HOMES
Hope Valley A2 and IRIS / ROSE Wing at Findon must include face shields and googles.
Please remember you are rostered / allocated into specific areas of the home. This provides a greater level of protection for ALL staff, residents and our Ananda Community.
We continue to have the Outbreak Management Plan activated -this have been reviewed and updated with copies with the RN in Charge.
ALL Staff MUST continue to undertake daily RAT tests on commencement of their shift – if it is POSITIVE please immediately leave the premises and proceed to the car park – contact the RN in Charge for further information including getting a PCR test.
If your initial RAT test is positive you do not need to do another RAT test, you need to have a PCR done. This deems as POSITIVE to COVID-19.
We continue to liaise and follow the directions as set out by SA Health in the Residential Aged Care Facilities Interim Guidance for the Management of COVID-19 Outbreaks and follow the Emergency Management Directions. Please take the time to read these guidelines and our Outbreak Management Plan as it governs and supports our practice.
I am in daily contact with both SA Health and the Commonwealth Department of Health with updates.
We are continuing to support visitors to the home and do ask that the following occurs to reduce the risk of transmission. This may change at any time.
We understand that this is an overwhelming time and we reinforce to all of our staff that our Executive Team is always available for any issues or support and we urge you to make contact as you need. Please everyone stay safe!
We are supporting staff to take Annual Leave with a n umber of staff already on A/L or have confirmed leave booked for later this year.
Please note the 12 hour shifts are mandatory shifts, however we are have approached staff who have agreed to take up the offer to do 12 hour shifts to ensure continuity of care
If staff are doing 12 hour shifts you are entitled to a one (1) hour meal break which can be taken as x2 – 30 min breaks or a one (1) hour break depending on resident and staff needs at the time – please liaise with the RN in Change
Mental Health Support
As per SA Health “……..It’s normal to feel stress and worry when there is a health event happening in the community that is affecting people’s wellbeing, such as the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic.
This can affect people through isolation from loved ones and usual supports, changes to normal daily routines, changes to or loss of work, difficult financial situations, as well as anxiety about becoming unwell.
To support the mental health of South Australians during this time we have established a Mental Health Support Network of services based locally in SA. This page provides information about the services and other resources for mental health support during this challenging time.
If you are in self-isolation or quarantine, see the Mental Health information for people in home isolation fact sheet (PDF 325KB) for information and support services.”
Call 1800 632 753 or chat online at SA COVID-19 Mental Health support line.
Available 8.00 am to 8.00 pm, seven days a week (including public holidays).
Once again thank you for your ongoing support and encouragement during these unprecedented times.
Please do not hesitate to contact me, Naina (CNC Hope Valley), Daniel (CNC Findon) or Bosko (HRBP) if you would like to discuss further.
I have attached an update of the DONNING / DOFFING sequence for your reference.
REMINDER – Check the SA Health website (https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/) frequently for updates and exposure sites (https://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/public+content/sa+health+internet/conditions/infectious+diseases/covid-19/testing+and+tracing/contact+tracing/contact+tracing#scrollTo-Lowriskcasualcontact1)
Winter is coming ……… and it feel like it is here now.
It may be cold outside but I can’t help but appreciate the changing of the season and fresh and vibrate colours in our gardens.
Welcome to “bumper” edition of our Newsletter
Influenza Vaccination Update
I am happy to report that all residents (who were able to) have participated in the annual 2021 flu vaccination program…… just in time to commence the COVID-19 vaccination program.
Families and Representatives please note that in line with Commonwealth and SA Health directions anyone entering a Residential Aged Care Facility must have participated in the 2021 flu vaccination program and provided us with evidence for our records.
Our GPs and Staff have worked tirelessly to get all the residents ready for ………. COVID-19 vaccine rollout!
COVID-19 Vaccine Update ……. WE HAVE DATES!!!!!
Thank you to all Residents and Families who have advised us if they are going to proceed with having the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine. I can now confirm that we have been provided with the dates to commence this program.
Only resident (and /or their representatives) that have consented to the COVID-19 vaccine will be eligible to have it on the scheduled day (s) of the vaccine program. If you have not yet consented and have decided to participate in the COVID-19 Vaccine Program please let us know urgently so we can go through the consent process. Participation in the COVID-19 program is not mandatory.
The residents who are having Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine will have x2 injections of the vaccine 21 days part.
The urgency with getting the flu vaccinations done was we needed 14 days between the Influenza Vaccine and COVID-19 Vaccine otherwise resident wouldn’t be able to have the flu vaccine till late June 2021.
I thank you all for your patience.
FRIDAY 21st MAY commencing from 8am
MONDAY 24th MAY commencing from 8am
The second dose is administered 21 days later
The team appointed by the Commonwealth will be coming in to do the vaccination and staff from Ananda will be there to support the residents.
We have been advised that there will be up to 6 representatives coming on the day coming to assist. Their team comprises of a First Aid personnel, vaccine administration personnel, Clerk, Concierge and security.
We have done a “mock” walk through of the process across both homes as we mark out the area where the vaccinations will be taking place:
Holding Bay area – where consent is checked again and another set of observations are done
Vaccination area – where COVID-19 vaccination is given ensuring privacy and dignity
Recovery area – where residents are supported post vaccination and further observations are done.
All residents participating in the program will be closely monitor post vaccination.
We are in constant contact with the PHN (Primary Health Network) who are assisting the roll out and will advise if there are any changes to dates.
Serious Incident Response Scheme
Just an update re the Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS) which came into effect Mon 1st April 2021. SIRS is a new Government initiative to help reduce the risk of abuse and neglect for people living or staying in a residential aged care home.
The scheme requires aged care providers to identify, record, manage, resolve, and report all serious incidents that occur or are alleged or suspected to have occurred, in a residential aged care service. Underpinning the SIRS is a requirement for residential aged care providers to have in place an effective incident management system – a documented set of protocols, processes, and standard operating procedures – to manage all incidents, respond to incidents, and take steps to make sure they do not happen again. The incident management system covers a broader range of non-reportable incidents and includes incidents that involve staff or visitors.
Ananda is training all staff in the reporting of incidents under the new SIRS process and a mandatory course will be completed by all staff each year.
Read more about SIRS by clicking below:
Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN – ACC)
The Department of Health has been working on a new Residential Aged Care Service Funding model and classification since 20216 – 2017. This will be a significant reform in the way assessments are conducted on permanent aged care recipients. It is expected that from April 2021 to early 2022 homes will participate in a “shadow assessment” trial period. The system we use at present is called ACFI. This is an excellent opportunity to review assessment processes.
When we are advised of the “shadow assessment” we will advise everyone further.
Maintenance Update
Please note we undertake regular Test and Tag of all electrical equipment. All resident electrical equipment is tested and tagged every two (2) years and electrical equipment for the rest of the home is annually. Please advise us if you have brought in any electrical equipment as it needs to be tested and tagged for safety – there is a small fee for this.
Recently we have been investigating an electrical fault at our Hope Valley home that has been impacting the internet in A2. We have had SA Power Networks and our Electrician out multiple times working with our Maintenance Team for a resolution. I thank you for your patience as we resolve this situation.
New Staff Arrivals and Staff Departures
It’s always hard to farewell a staff member who has contributed and made a difference to resident care and wellbeing. As much as it’s hard to say goodbye we must support staff who move onto new and exciting opportunities.
Shelly Pasricha our CNC from Hope Valley has decided it was time to move on and focus on family.
We thank Shelly for her commitment and care shown to all residents and to making a difference in their lives.
We wish Shelly all the very best for the future.
Michael Page our Workforce Executive has been with Ananda for nearly three years and has also decided to move on to new opportunities.
Michael brought us Resident Focused Care and an amazing staff communication system Ananda Staff Blogs and Ananda Academy.
Michael was based at Findon during the initial stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 prior to leading the Workforce Executive portfolio.
We wish Michael all the very best for the future and I know you will all join with me and thank you for his commitment to Resident Focused Care.
We look forward to Michael coming back and having a farewell afternoon tea at Findon.
Joining the Ananda Team is Anith Nair into the Clinical Nurse Consultant role at our Hope Valley Home.
Anith brings with him a wealth of experience and knowledge in the aged care environment and has started to get to know staff, residents and families.
Marjorie Soliven has joined the Findon team as a Clinical Nurse/Registered Nurse supporting our CNC Daniel.
Marjorie also brings a wealth of experience and knowledge and is excited to bring that to Ananda Findon.
Marjorie has already met most residents and staff and will continue to meet families during the coming weeks.
It was beautiful to be able to acknowledge ANZAC Day this year and host a service across both homes.
It was an opportunity for us to come together and acknowledge the struggles of the past 12 months and support each other to move forward.Thank you all for your contribution and dedication.
Art and Mindfulness have a way of bringing out the creative side in people and at our Findon home creativity swept across the home like a rainbow …… we truly have some amazing artists and resident with an eye for the detail. We hosted an Art Exhibition and Award Show presenting our amazing participants with a Certificate of Participation and award gift. Resident are now getting ready for the next Art Show.
I have had a “sneak peak” at the art work being done by our Hope Valley residents and am looking forward to hosting their Award Show in the coming weeks with more Certificate and gifts.
Compassion, Comfort, Care
Art, concerts, bingo, quiet reflection, enjoying the fresh air and being with friends, together we got this.
Sustainable Garden Project – Hope Valley
Recently Michael Brown joined us to undertake a Sustainable Garden Project. Michael met with residents and went back and designed a standalone garden bed that would sit alongside our existing garden beds in the Memorial Garden at Hope Valley. Michael then worked with our residents to create a beautiful raised garden bed that once established will be flowering brightly and long with some “garden fresh” herbs. Thanks so much for this Michael with was fantastic to work with you. I think you will agree the “before” and “after” shots are pretty impressive.
Thank you for your ongoing support and feedback it is greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards
Karen Daniels-Goddard
Director of Nursing
Ananda Aged Care
We have been advised by the PHN on behalf of the Commonwealth that Hope Valley residents will receive their Covid 19 vaccine week commencing 10th May 2021 (date to be confirmed).
Findon residents will have the COVID-19 vaccine date commencing 17th of May.
Residents will receive the Pfizer vaccine.
We are currently working with the PHN for an exact date so we can roll out the annual ‘flu vaccine more than the 14 days prior to the Covid vaccine.
We will be commencing the Annual Flu Vaccination program for residents from Thursday 29th April and Saturday 1st May 2021.
Thank you all for your patience. We will update once we have the confirmed date.
Kind Regards
Ananda Management
In June 2019 25 Ananda staff piloted the workshop and an article written by Michael Page and DTA Director Andrew Stafford was published in the Australian Journal of Dementia Care. This is one of four published articles Ananda has achieved since it began to focus on dementia best practice as a key priority for education and workforce development.
The DTA VR Meaningful Spaces workshops were postponed due to the pandemic, and now it is exciting to learn they will now be rolled out nationally in the later part of 2021. See the 9 News exclusive here:
It is hoped many more Ananda staff will experience the workshops, which teach best practice design as well as the negative effects of psychotropic medications.
Michael Page will also be re-scheduling a 10 week face to face DTA dementia care workhop which will add capacity to our already strong Wellness and Engagement workforce.
From March 2019 to June 2020 Ananda partnered with Dementia Training Australia to provide a Tailored Training Package for staff. The success of this initiative is seen in four publications in the Australian Journal of Dementia Care (AJDC) which are accessible below. Please take the time to read and understand what Ananda is aiming for in this key area of care.
Any staff member who is in contact with residents with dementia is required to have the skills, knowledge and attitude to commuicate with and meet the needs of residents living with dementia. Ananda has provided enormous opportunities for staff to develop these skills to the level of their role and we will be assessing staff to this level from now onwards.
Further face to face and online training will be made available, in the meantime the Resident Focused Care Model and Ananda Resident Focused Dementia Care course are available on Ananda Academy. These provide the minimum level required by staff.
We continue to seek dementia care champions to drive forward our ability to meet the needs of our residents and families.
We are keen to work with residents or representatives to improve individualised meaningful activity for all residents and we welcome your feedback and suggestions.
Please ensure you have completed and returned your consent form as soon as possible.
Influenza vaccines should be taken at least 2 weeks before the COVID-19 vaccine.
We will be commencing our staff vaccination program soon.
The immunisation team will only bring enough vaccine for the residents who consent in advance. If you are a resident or substitute decision maker please provide a consent form in the next few days. You can download it from previous web posts by going to the bottom of this page, or contact Reception. Paper copies are available at Reception too.
We currently have no further information about Hope Valley. Please provide a consent form ready for when we do announce the date, hopefully quite soon.
While you are here please enjoy some photos of the Findon Tea Party and Thursday’s Easter Party!
The scheme requires aged care providers to identify, record, manage, resolve, and report all serious incidents that occur or are alleged or suspected to have occurred, in a residential aged care service. Underpinning the SIRS is a requirement for residential aged care providers to have in place an effective incident management system – a documented set of protocols, processes, and standard operating procedures – to manage all incidents, respond to incidents, and take steps to make sure they do not happen again. The incident management system covers a broader range of non-reportable incidents and includes incidents that involve staff or visitors.
Ananda is training all staff in the reporting of incidents under the SIRS and a mandatory course will be completed by all staff each year.
Dear Residents, Families and Staff,
As we wait for official notification from SA Health to advise when Ananda Aged Care (Hope Valley and Findon) will be allocated a day and time to undertake the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine rollout please find below so additional information regarding the vaccine rollout.
The rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine is a comprehensive process and we need to all work together to ensure a smooth process.
Day of vaccine we will have multiple clinical stations set up in the home:
First station: will be pre-vaccine checklist, checking consent has been signed, and verifying consent to proceed with vaccine. This will be done by the assigned contractors.
Once we know the day of vaccination rollout, we will notify residents/their representatives and staff. For further information on the Pfizer Vaccine rollout please visit the Department of Health’s website for more information and/or to read the consent form in other languages
Copies of the COVID-19 consent form have been previously forwarded as well as copies located at our Reception area. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions or queries.
I have also left copies of this letter with our Reception Staff.
You must let us know if your loved one (resident) is having the vaccine and complete the consent form – these are located at front reception and in the above link.
Wellness and Engagement Update
Our wonderful Wellness and Engagement Team have been busy revamping the activities calendar with our Director to “bring a bit of fun back”
This week has been testament to fun ……. With Hope Valley cooking up a storm, with beautiful Italian donuts (which I am told had NO calories in them) and were enjoyed by the residents and staff. The home smelt amazing.
At Findon we had a beautiful afternoon tea outside enjoying a little bit of sunshine and laughter.
COVID-19 has brought about many challenges including placing a number of activities on hold.
I am so happy to report that we have now brought back regular Church Services at both our homes and on 17th March at our Hope Valley home will be hosting a Catholic Mass with Father Manu at 11am.
We have upcoming concerts booked at both homes as well as Dino’s evening concerts continuing.
At the end of each month we will be celebrating our residents birthday’s with Birthday Club and a beautiful birthday cake.
One of our Residents at Hope Valley, Jane is taking the lead with setting up a knitting group in preparation for Easter by creating some beautiful knitted creations …. Watch out for our Easter Raffle as well.
It’s been great welcoming the Resident Wing Meetings back in the past couple of weeks with 5 Wing Meetings happening across the homes. At our Swan / Darling Wing Meeting we congratulated resident Carolyn for her work in our gardens, they are looking beautiful. Thanks Carolyn!!
At Findon we will be celebrating an absolute milestone with our beautiful resident Olive turning 107 years young ……. There will be more photos and celebrations to come in the next newsletter as well as Olive letting us know what her secret is.
Photos of the week that’s been ………
Thank you all for your ongoing support over this past challenging year and we look to 2021 with renewed hope and positivity.