Ananda AgedCare is delighted to announce that Belle Zecchin, who is part of the care and lifestyle team at Hope Valley, has taken up the role of Diversity Champion/Quality Ambassador across both sites.
Belle has been at Ananda for almost 2 years and has been a member of our Diversity Action Group which started this year and originally met monthly (now 2 monthly). As a Diversity Champion Belle will present on the agenda at each 2 monthly Diversity Action Group items from residents or staff especially around Lesbian, Gay, Transgender or Intersex (LGBTI ) issues at Ananda. Belle will feedback any current conversations and initiatives in the news, community, aged care sector re LGBTI inclusivity, carry out research and attend conferences and community engagement where possible. She will provide informal education around inclusivity issues for residents and staff as arise and work with the other Diversity Champions as they are appointed and where roles overlap.
For residents who may identify with LGBTI issues or for staff Belle may provide a point of contact for confidential discussion on diversity topics, especially LGBTI.
The Aged Care Standards ensure all organisations must provide a culturally safe environment for residents and staff and this also relates to intimacy and sexuality and sexual orientation.
Belle’s interests include spending time with family and watching crime and horror films
Belle is excited to take on this new role for Ananda because she believes that everyone is equal and should be able to express themselves freely without the fear of judgement.
We are delighted to have Belle expand her current role and she can be contacted at Hope Valley when on shift, or by submitting a confidential feedback form in the locked boxes at Hope Valley or Findon addressed to Diversity Champion.
If you have questions or feedback about Ananda’s diversity or inclusivity please speak to Karen Daniels, Director of Nursing or Michael Page, Workforce Development Manager.