Dear All Staff,


Further to our Staff Blog last week we have been notified of additional staff that have tested positive to COVID-19.

In total we have nine (9) staff across both homes who have recently tested positive five (5) staff Hope Valley and four (4) staff at Findon.

All staff are doing well and we continue to stay in contact with them.

We have trace contacted all staff that have come into contact with these team members and all results have come back NEGATIVE.

In order to ensure the ongoing safety of our community we have also undertaken PCR testing of all residents over a 48 hour trajectory period with recent testing at Findon on 9.3.22 and further PCR planned for 11.3.22 and 13.3.22 and Hope Valley PCR testing was done on 10.3.22 and further testing scheduled on 12.3.22

With the recent increase in community transmission this is being done out of an abundance of caution.

Please note we have also been advised of multiple family members that have tested positive to COVID-19 or are deemed close contacts.

Full PPE will remain insitu across both homes.

All staff will be required to wear N95 masks, gowns and gloves at this time and undertake RAT testing prior to commencement of all shifts, with the exception of the kitchen teams who do not wear the gowns but do wear kitchen aprons.

***We cannot not stress this enough if you are feeling unwell please DO NOT COME TO WORK you must get a PCR test and have a NEGATIVE result and are feeling better prior to coming back to work***

We continue to liaise and follow the directions as set out by SA Health in the Residential Aged Care Facilities Interim Guidance for the Management of COVID-19 Outbreaks and follow the Emergency Management Directions (now revised).

We understand that this is an overwhelming time and we reinforce to all of our staff that our Executive Team is always available for any issues or support and we urge you to make contact as you need.  Please everyone stay safe!

Please continue to participate in the weekly PCR screens available for ALL staff – we have identified x2 staff recently through this process and were able to quickly safeguard our community.

Please see Naina, Belinda, Leesa and Rhea at Hope Valley and Daniel or Marjorie at Findon Mon-Fri between 10-4pm to get your weekly PCR screen.

If you are requiring a PCR screen outside of this time please contact the RN in Charge.


We are currently reviewing the annual mandatory staff training packages via Ananda Academy and they will be ready for staff to access and complete in the next week.

Watch this space for updates.

REMINDER the bi-monthly SA Health Infection Control and COVID-19 online training is due by 30/3/22 – this is for all clinical / care / lifestyle staff to complete.

Please see Rupinder, Prabhuli or Sheryl and David if you need assistance to complete.

All Clinical Staff we will be hosting a Clinical Education session later this month with a focus on

  • Restrictive Practices
  • Documentation
  • Assessments
  • Conflict Resolution and Leadership

Dates will be circulated shortly following the recent COVID-19 PCR resident results.


As many of you are aware the Federal Government has provided funds for a staff bonus for staff that are entitled to this.

Head Office have provided the information to the Federal Govt and are now awaiting the next step to access these funds.

Once received we will ensure all staff entitled to this payment will receive it.

This is likely to occur late March 2022 or early APRIL 2022.

Last Friday we celebrated Staff Appreciation Day

We celebrated with staff across our homes for the amazing work that you have all been doing and our residents wanted to share their thanks and appreciation with some amazing words of support.

We have left the posters around the home so you can all take inspiration as to why we all do what we do. The residents truly appreciate it!!!!!

Finally it has been great to get back to Findon this week and catch up with so many staff, residents and families.

The team at Findon have been doing an amazing job with the ongoing support and leadership of Daniel, Marjorie, Kamal and David.

As we reach our new level of COVID-19 normality I am looking forward to splitting my time between both Hope Valley and Findon.

Once again thank you for your ongoing support and encouragement during these challenging times.

Please do not hesitate to contact me, Naina (CNC Hope Valley), Daniel (CNC Findon) or Bosko (HRBP) if you would like to discuss further.

Kind Regards

Karen Daniels – Goddard

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