Vigilant, listening & flexible

While we continue to plan for any possibility we have also continued to consult and inform staff, residents and representatives throughout the ongoing emergency.

Our staff have done a fantastic job under challenging circumstances and we continue to train and educate staff on infection prevention and control best practice. The image above shows Avneet, a carer at Findon who is currently doing her Enrolled Nursing Student placement with us, undergo a competency check for use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and outbreak management. All nurses will continue to be trained and will monitor and coach heir teams in protecting themselves and our residents in the event of an outbreak. We hope we don’t need to effect our plans, but we cannot be complacent at this stage despite the optimism in South Australia.

Our management teams have continued to meet via video Zoom link and we provide virtual visits for families and residents via FaceTime and Skype. We are exploring whether in future Zoom meetings could be used for resident and representative forums so distant visitors could be included.

As we open up our homes to visitors this weekend and for Mother’s Day we are continuing to work hard to provide meaningful engagement for all residents, and residents move around parts of the homes whilst socially distancing from others.

Please sign up for our Mailchimp mailouts which you will be sent automatically when a post is published on the website, and also if we have updates we need to get to you quickly. You can unsubscribe at any time.

We have recently carried out a staff survey which received 114 responses, which you can see in the graphic below. Over 95% of staff stated they felt well informed about COVID-19; felt supported by their team and management; 74% felt confident to look after a resident with COVID-19 Staff and 70% stated they would come to work if there was a COVID-19 outbreak. WE believe the results would be higher still if we repeated the survey as staff were concerned about school closures and looking after vulnerable family members at home, and further training has taken place since the survey.

Staff survey results

We are currently running another survey on how we are doing in the COVID-19 emergency and 44 staff, residents and representatives have responsed so far. The results, shown in the graphics below, are very pleasing.

Respondents were asked how they felt about a range of questions regarding management of the emergency.

The the vast majority agreed or strongly agreed with Ananda’s response; with the visits policies; that they had been informed about changes; that they were confident with infection prevention measures;

Graphic: Responses to COVID-19 survey online

The vast majority agreed or strongly agreed that they were confident staff carry out infection prevention measures; that social distancing is being practised; that hand hygiene is being practised and there is enough hand sanitiser around the homes and that there is enough information about COVID-19.

We still invite responses and the respondents who had negative scores will be contacted if they left a name and contact details (the survey can be completed anonymously).

There was some difference of opinion on visits, with 16 people wanting no visits at all; 25 wanted short visits as per our curent policy, and 3 people wanted visits only for family members who assisted with meals.

Clearly it is impossible to meet everyone’s needs on visits and Ananda has constantly discussed and communicated its policy, which has been to mitigate the safety of all residents and staff against the flexibility for families to maintain as normal contact as possible in the circumstances. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Finally, we asked how we are doing overall and the average response was 9.1 out of 10 or a 91% satisfaction with management of the emergency so far. 41 out of 44 responses rated 7/10 or higher. One rated 4 out of 10 and 2 people rated 6 out of 10. The overwhelming majority rated 10 out of 10.

This is very satisfying and rewards our ongoing consultation and planning with our residents and families and our staff. However, as we mark 75 years since VE (Victory in Europe Day) it is fitting to remember the words of Sir Winston Churchill about D-Day, which might equally be true of COVID-19 today:

“Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. Its is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”

Please download the COVIDSAFE app

The Ananda family wishes you a Happy Mother’s Day and thanks you for your support and vigilance during this challenging time for all.

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