The Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS) is nearly here.

The Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS) is a new Government initiative to help reduce the risk of abuse and neglect for people living or staying in a residential aged care home.

The scheme requires aged care providers to identify, record, manage, resolve, and report all serious incidents that occur or are alleged or suspected to have occurred, in a residential aged care service. Underpinning the SIRS is a requirement for residential aged care providers to have in place an effective incident management system – a documented set of protocols, processes, and standard operating procedures – to manage all incidents, respond to incidents, and take steps to make sure they do not happen again. The incident management system covers a broader range of non-reportable incidents and includes incidents that involve staff or visitors.

Ananda is training all staff in the reporting of incidents under the SIRS and a mandatory course will be completed by all staff each year.

Read more about SIRS by clicking below:


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