Safety checks on entry to the homes

With entry checks likely to continue for some time we are exploring how we can meet our obligations yet speed up the process.

We have made a video which explains the safety checks at our Findon home in English and Italian and invite feedback as to whether visitors would prefer to view the 2 minute video on arrival and sign that they will not enter the home if not permitted. You will then just have to have a temperature check and wash your hands.

The entry checks at Hope Valley are very similar and the questions the same.

We would locate the video on an iPad on a stand at reception with temperatre checking and hand sanitiseing facilties close by.

Please complete the quick poll at the bottom of this post if you have feedback. Thank you.

Entry checks video in English (2 mins)

Con i controlli di entrata che probabilmente continueranno per qualche tempo, stiamo esplorando come possiamo adempiere ai nostri obblighi e accelerare il processo. Abbiamo realizzato un video che spiega i controlli di sicurezza nella nostra casa Findon in inglese e italiano e invitiamo a fornire feedback sul fatto che i visitatori preferirebbero vedere il video di 2 minuti all’arrivo e firmare che non entreranno nella casa se non sono ammessi . Dovrai solo fare un controllo della temperatura e lavarti le mani. Posizioneremmo il vidoe su un iPad su uno stand alla reception con controllo della temperatura e strutture per l’igiene delle mani nelle vicinanze. Se hai un feedback, completa il sondaggio rapido di seguito. Grazie.

video di assegni d’ingresso in italiano

Please complete this quick poll…(if reading via email you may have to go to the Ananda website to see the poll).

Optional but needed if you would like a reply. Please also go to the front page of the website and click on sign up to e-news if you would like regular update emails.
Selected Value: 0
1 is not happy, 5 is very happy
1 is not at all I like the current system, 5 is definitely would prefer a video & sign in (rather than being asked questions)


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