Positive stories for 12 Hour Shift for Aged Care

On Wednesday 23rd December Workforce Executive, Michael Page, will attempt the audacious feat of running/walk for 12 hours from 6am to 6pm, wearing full PPE, in recognition and celebration of aged care workers and especially our Ananda STARS.

He will be running around a 6.6km circuit at Glenelg, starting and finishing at the Red Heart statue next to the Jetty and base will be next to the Wigley Reserve Playground and Tram Side Kiosk.

Poster: Michael during NZ’s Big Easy Mountain Marathon in 2015

Staff and some residents will be joining Michael throughout the day to thank all staff in aged care during an unprecedented year, which is also International Year of the Nurse and Midwife. Come down during the day and bring the kids to the impressive new playground, or have a coffee!

Support Michael and all our staff by posting a positive message on the Ananda Facebook page between 6am and 6pm tomorrow. Ask Michael questions and our roving reporters will try to get a reply or a video during the day or he will answer after.

The run ambassador is Holdfast Bay Mayor, Amanda Wilson, who will start the run at 6am!

Michael hopes to keep moving for 12 hours with the disclaimer he will stop if injured! His previous record was a 66km beach run in 2015 but this proves to be a big challenge wearing PPE to acknowledge the year of COVID19 and the impact it has had on everything we do at Ananda Aged Care and the amazing fortitude and resilience of our staff in learning new skills.

A big thank you to everyone in the Ananda Family and best wishes for the Christmas and New Year season.

The day is about aged care staff
Mayor Amanda Wilson at the Start. Post a selfie with a heart saying why you love aged care and Ananda on our Facebook page.

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