Novel Coronavirus Information Sheet for Primary and Community Health Workers – Department of Health

Dear All,

We are writing to you in response to the outbreak of Novel Coronavirus affecting China in particular, but with cases now being diagnosed across several countries including Australia.

Ananda Aged Care has been monitoring the situation closely with the Department of Health to obtain the most reliable and updated information and advice.

Please find attached the Department of Health’s recent information and advice for organisations like ours. Further information is included in the Department of Health website.

It is timely to remind all staff the importance of hand hygiene and access to Personal Protective Equipment and ensuring we follow Ananda’s policies and procedures around antimicrobial stewardship (infection control).

I encourage all staff to participate in our 2020 staff influenza vaccination program to ensure that we are safeguarding ourselves and our vulnerable residents.

If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to speak with me directly.

Kind Regards

Karen Daniels-Goddard

Director Of Nursing

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