New visit schedules announced

What a difference two weeks makes ….. Following no further cases of COVID-19 in SA the Emergency Management Directive (Form 17) has relaxed restrictions just in time for the Festive Season (I can hear you all cheering).

I am sure you will all join with me and the rest of Ananda breathing a sigh of relief.

It has been a difficult past nine months as we have all delved into the unknown.

Our focus has been clear throughout this pandemic to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all residents.

From the moment COVID-19 was declared a pandemic we have been aware that vulnerable people our residents are mostly at risk.

Their resilience and strength over the past nine months has been inspiring and humbling as they put their trust in us to ensure their safety and wellbeing.

So what is changing …….. From Monday14th December 2020 we are so pleased to inform you that the limit of visitors each resident may have each day has now been removed, so residents will be able to have more than 1-2 visitors for linger periods of time.

We will still need to screen all visitors to the home which includes an “Entry to Site Checklist” and temperature check so at this stage we will continue visitation from 1-4pm daily.

This allows our residents the opportunity to enjoy lunch time service prior to receiving visitors.

Where possible we will support visits in the Residents rooms and/or in one of our outside garden areas (weather permitting) to ensure we are practicing social distancing.

Under the new Directions all visitors to the home are still required to wear face masks until 23rd December 2020 in line with government advice.

Visits to support end of life care and for palliative care / compassionate grounds will continue to be exempt and in discussion with Senior Management.

As a reminder please continue to practice social distancing not only in our homes but in the community, practice good hand hygiene and if you are unwell please delay your visit to our homes and get if required get a COVID-19 swab test.

To enter our homes (and as per the Emergency Management Directive) it is a requirement you have had the 2020 Flu Vaccination

Ananda has applied for a COVID safe QR check in code that once received we will have on display for all visitors to “check into Ananda”

We will keep you up to date as we head into this festive season as there may be further updates around easing of restrictions from SA Health and the Sa Police Commissioner.

Our staff across our homes and Head Office have stood tall during this time and day in day out have been here supporting and caring for the residents of Ananda – they are our true heroes showing us what Compassion, Comfort, Care means.

Our Board and Management has been truly inspired by their courageous effort – they are all truly ANANDA STARS……….

We are looking forward to celebrating our Annual Ananda STARS at a future event, following the postponement due to COVID-19 and the Stay at Home Directive.

We are looking at the UK at the moment and to quote the Prime Minister of Australia “we have a front row seat” observing the COVID-19 vaccine roll out in the UK ………. Hoping for great outcome and wait for news for the Australian vaccine!!!!!!!

We celebrated our Annual Christmas shows a little different this year…….. On Tuesday 8th Dec at our Findon Home and Thursday 10th Dec at our Hope Valley home we celebrated Christmas with a delicious lunch filled with savoury and sweet treats while being entertained by the incredible Dino ……. I heard that some of our staff and management also participated to the joys (and laughs) of the residents.   I have had a “sneak peek” of Kamal’s Christmas Day lunch menu and it sounds delicious. Although COVID-19 has taken many things from us this year the joys of the festive season, our families and staff coming together and a real sense of community is stronger than it has ever been.

If you are planning on taking your loved one home Christmas Day can you kindly let our Admin Team know (at reception) by Friday 18th Dec so we can finalise our menu and ordering.

If you are taking a resident out we will go through a Risk Management Checklist with you and the Resident as part of our record keeping and for trace contact purposes in the event of further COVID-19 outbreaks.

We continue to embark on this “new normal” and as we all work together and continue to do the right thing …. And work towards the road map to recovery.

Once again thank you all for your support and encouragement during these unprecedented times.

Kind Regards

Ananda Management

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