Influenza outbreak at Findon now over

We are pleased to announce the end of an influenza outbreak at our Findon home. Please read this communique from Acting Director of Nursing, Michael Page.

To: Residents, staff and visitors

From: Michael Page, Acting Director of Nursing

Date: 23/05/2019

Subject: End of influenza outbreak at Ananda Aged Care, Findon

We are pleased to announce the end of an influenza A outbreak at Ananda Findon which was declared on 16th May 2019.

We took immediate precautions to contain the spread of influenza within the home and sent swabs for analysis for twenty-one residents who displayed influenza-like illness symptoms.  Nine residents returned a swab that showed they had influenza A.  Most of these residents were contained within the far end of Iris Wing and were supported during their illness. All are showing signs of recovery.  Two staff and one visitor also had confirmed influenza A and we have kept staff with any symptoms away from the home, so you will have noticed a large number of agency staff over this period.

We liaised with the Public Health Unit at the Department of Health on a daily basis and no new cases have been reported.  We therefore announce the end of restrictions and additional precautions and will cautiously return to opening up the home and introducing group activities. The PHU congratulated Ananda for the prompt management of this outbreak.

We are most grateful to all our staff who worked extremely hard during this period and who professionally cared for all residents while being vigilant to infection prevention measures. Without this vigilance there inevitably would have been far more cases of influenza as it is a highly contagious virus. We especially thank staff who vaccinated to protect themselves, their families and our residents.

We also thank the cooperation of visitors to the home for your adherence to hand hygiene and use of protective equipment and to our residents, all of whom accepted the restrictions we put in place with good cheer.

While this outbreak is over we urge all staff and visitors who are not yet vaccinated to consult their GP.  We also stress that this is a highly unusual influenza year and we have not yet reached the usual peak period for ‘flu (end of winter in SA).  We may reintroduce restrictions where needed and will be more vigilant than ever regarding hand hygiene and cough etiquette for residents, staff and visitors and request you always use the available hand sanitisers on entry and leaving the home, and stay away if ill.

If you have any questions regarding influenza please discuss this with our nursing staff.

Ananda Management Team

Acting Director of Nursing, Michael Page thanks staff at Findon for their professionalism and hard work during a very bust 2 weeks

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