Governance at Ananda

Ananda is in transition to the new Aged Care Standards, and Standard 8 is Governance.

At Ananda we have an effective and well tested structure for governance of our organisation. Central to our philosophy is an ethos of compassion, comfort and care with a person centred model that responds and reacts in a way to support individual residents. We have a multifaceted skill mix amongst our Directors including backgrounds in clinical medicine and chartered accounting alongside experience on other boards and peak body committees, networking and developing local community and conducting meaningful humanitarian efforts with integrity.

Safety, choice and planning with our workforce and residents is of an utmost priority and we often take advice from external stakeholders to create an efficient and effective culture at Ananda.

The directors are engaged and available, interacting regularly with our residents, families and staff and ensuring evidence based clinical care, risk management, regulatory compliance and an effort to seek feedback is achieved. Continuous improvement forms the basis for our quality care and service delivery provision and this is driven from the Directors from the outset.

Our organisational structure is backed with detailed job descriptions and we appoint approachable, committed managers who maintain an open door policy approach.

We have independent auditors, accounting and financial experts to guide and support our directors for best practice fiduciary governance.

The Directors are acutely aware of their mandatory and legislative requirements and the Managing Director has over thirty years experience in this industry.

The clinically rich oversight including being aware of responsible infection control, pressure area care management, coordination of multidisciplinary management teams and an emphasis on modern minimally invasive dementia care is of the utmost importance.

Ultimately the broad and effective governance at Ananda is buoyed and inspired to foster quality wellbeing experiences for our residents in our homes.

Dr Pooja Newman,

Clinical Director

Ananda Aged Care

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