Food, glorious food

Bain marie services are now available at both Hope Valley and Findon

Chefs present hot food bain marie style at Hope Valley

We have worked hard at both homes over the past few months to improve the quality and choice of food available to all residents. Following the highly popular trial of a bain marie service at Hope Valley, we now have a fixed bain marie in both A1 and A2 dining areas.

Today at Findon we started a trial of using a portable bain marie to serve food from the Hub, the heart of the home and the location for our ‘fine dining’ evening recently. Chefs Suresh and Linh served food to the residents wishes straight from the bain marie.

Chefs serve ‘front of house’ in the Hub

Residents remarked the smell and the ability to see what they could select was really good.

Not only that but the white table cloths, table decorations and soft background music allowed residents to enjoy a dining experience and to chat and have a laugh too.

Hospitality manager Kamal was also on hand to show kitchen and care staff how to place cutlery and how to serve residents.

Several residents stayed in the Hub to chat long after meal service and this social interaction is exactly what the new dining ambience at Ananda Findon is all about.

Findon resident Teresa salutes ‘good health’

The improvement of the dining experience at Ananda is part of a new model of care called the Ananda Resident Focused Care model, and we will seek feedback from our residents how we can go further to providing a restaurant quality and feel for each of our meals. More choice is on offer than ever before, and our Ananda Anytime snack service, ‘Scoops of Ananda’ ice cream trolley and cultural events every month show a strong commitment to choice as well as diversity as we transition to the new Aged Care Standards.

If you have any feedback (no pun meant!) then let us know how we are doing and chef Kamal will take on board all comments and suggestion.

Findon Clinical Nurse Consultant Julie is offered a napkin by Kamal as she joins residents for lunch.

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