Ananda has partnered for a year with Dementia Training Australia and provided high quality education for all staff and also developed its own courses on Ananda Academy.
In 2019 Ananda had 3 papers published in the Australian Journal of Dementia Care (AJDC) and continuously attempts to improve its training and education around dementia to improve care.
We would like to recommend to all staff, representatives and relatives of residents with dementia that the Wicking Institute at the University of Tasmania runs regular, free, online courses on dementia topics.
In July it runs its highly popular and informative online MOOC (Massive Opn Online Course) on Understanding Dementia.
This can be taken in your own time on your device. We encourage representatives to consider it so they can be more directly involved in a collaborative approach to dementia care at Ananda.
click here for more information and to enrol: