COVIDsafe App on mobile ‘phones

This week the Australian Government has released a COVIDSafe App able to be downloaded for free from the App Store.

It allows for more efficient contact tracing in the event there is outbreak of Covid19 and uses Bluetooth technology. You need to keep the App running on your phone. Ananda Aged Care supports this technology and urges you all to take up this simple measure to help keep all Australians safe but especially our vulnerable senior citizens.
video: How COVIDSafe works

If Staff have a mobile phone they carry with them Ananda would expect all staff to comply with this measure which will also keep our community safe. Any staff not complying with the app are requested to discuss this with the Clinical Nurses with deadline being Fri 8th May.

We also encourage all visitors to Ananda to download and use the app.

Can I take this opportunity to remind you that if you haven’t had your influenza vaccination by this Friday 1st May and given evidence to our administration team, you cannot be allowed on site.

Thank you for your cooperation.

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