The following letter was sent out to all residents and families on 12th March 2020. We continue to provide updates in writing and via the website and on our staff portal.
Dear Residents, Families and Representatives,
COVID-19 (Coronavirus Update)
I write to you all today as the World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared COVID-19 a pandemic and I want to reassure you all Ananda is working to safeguard our residents, staff and visitors to the home alike.
As you are aware there have been confirmed cases of COVID-19 (Coronavirus Update) in South Australia with a number of people hospitalised to receive treatment. I would like to further take this opportunity to update you on the recommendations as provided and implemented by the Department of Health’s Chief Medical Officer as well as Ananda’s infection control policy.
Ananda receives regular updates from the Department of Health and SA Health as well as our peak industry body LASA regarding COVID -19. There is much to be understood of COVID-19 and we are learning more about it daily, however in the meantime we must exercise absolute vigilance in ensuring we are proactively implementing precautionary measures to protect our residents, families and employees from potential exposure to the virus.
In order to safeguard the residents, families and staff, Ananda has implemented the following:
– If you have traveled outside of Australia you must not enter our homes and self-isolate for 14 days even if you remain without symptoms.
– If you present with the following symptoms please do not attend the home and seek medical attention Coughing, sneezing, vomiting, respiratory (airway) symptoms and temperature.
– We will be limiting the number of visitors to the home to decrease the risk of potential infection
– Large gatherings will be decreased for the next 6 weeks
– We will be doing random “temperature” check monitoring on both visitors to the home and staff to minimise risk and exposure to our very vulnerable residents
In addition to this we have also put the following in place for our staff who have travelled overseas in the past month they MUST NOT attend work for 14 days and ring for advice whether they have symptoms or not. In order to contain the potential spread of COVID-19 in South Australia and to protect vulnerable residents as well a staff. Ananda has provided increased availability of hand sanitiser and personal protective equipment and we will act rapidly in any way necessary to minimise the risk of COVID-19 or influenza infection in our homes.
We expect staff at all times to follow our infection prevention and control policies and procedures. We have a dedicated COVID-10 Policy, Infection Control Policy and Influenza Outbreak Policy in place in the event of an outbreak.
At Ananda our priority is to ensure health, wellbeing and safety of all our residents, families and staff and as such we advocate for compliance with our directive.
As you can appreciate the deaths related to COVID-19 have been for individuals with known multiple medical conditions and /or are immunosuppressed – this in turn places our residents at a greater risk, particularly if transmission was to occur through employees or visitors.
We have placed signage at the entrance of our homes and at reception and ask that you diligently follow our directive to ensure we are safeguarding all persons in our homes.
We ask that you also adhere to strict hand hygiene practices and use the bathrooms facilities to wash your hands in warm soapy water or alternatively use the hand sanitiser provided.
We will continue to provide evidence based updates from the Department of Health and SA Health.
We thank you for your understanding, and if you have any further questions in relation to our policy, please
We thank you for your understanding, and if you have any further questions in relation to our policy, please don’t hesitate to contact the Clinical Nurses or myself.
Kind Regards,
Karen Daniels-Goddard
Director of Nursing, Ananda Aged Care