Benvenuto ad Ananda in italiano!

Click on the word Italiano or English in the bottom right corner of each page for which language you prefer

The Ananda website in Italian!

Ananda is a multicultural organisation with a multi lingual resident population and as part of our move to the new Aged Care Standards we will be further supporting cultural safety at our two homes.

We already translate activity calendars and newsletters into Italian, as we have a large Italian community and are looking to do the same in other languages.

Today we start a 30 day trial of a fully bilingual website and you will notice you can read each page in Italian by clicking on the Italian flag in the bottom right corner of the page.

Let us know what you think and which other languages might be helpful to make available.

Also, Ananda’s Diversity Action Group meets for the first time at Hope Valley on April 2nd, 2019. We are inviting staff and residents to come and let us know how we can improve care for culturally and linguistically diverse residents and family and also residents from the LGBTI community.

Grazie tutti!

Michael Page, Resident Focused Care Advocate.

Resident & Representatives e-news

E-news for residents & representatives
