Ananda launches a new medication safety initiative

MediMap, our new electronic medication administration system, is finally here at Hope Valley. 

After months of planning we finally went live with our new electronic medication management system on 22nd August in A2.

We have been planning this significant change in medication management for some time as an opportunity to move away from paper based medication charts to a more transparent and evidence based system.  Benefits of MediMap other than using an iPad to record medication administration is the reporting and trending functions.

With changes in the aged care environment especially around restraint management and the administration of psychotropic (S4) medication we will be able to trend the use of these types of medications very quickly to monitor usage.  This will enable us to engage with the resident, families and GP about alternatives to medication to support residents with responsive behaviours. 

Pain management trending will also be able to be monitored closely through the reporting process so in conjunction with our pain assessment charts we can identify if the current pain relief regime is effective in managing the residents pain.

Dr Crea (our main GP) has been fantastic in supporting Ananda during this transition period and has reviewed every residents medication chart to ensure their medication needs are being met.

Kevin and the team from Birks Pharmacy inputted all the medication data and checked all the residents charts again – it was essential we got this right with Dr Crea then doing a final check.

Chloe documenting her medication administration via MediMap

Over the course of the next couple of weeks we will also transition A1 to MediMap and then Findon it will be your turn.

It was a historic occasion for Ananda Hope Valley and although our clinical staff had attended MediMap training, the team worked together to commence the change over process. 

Well done Ana, Aileen, and Karen for overseeing the move with EN Chloe and EN Karamjit our first clinical staff to administer and record medications via the MediMap system.”

Read more about MediMap below…

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