A brand new day for Aged Care in Australia

Today heralded new Aged Care Quality Standards and the dawn of consumer directed care in the aged care sector.

Ananda Aged Care has been working very hard to transition to the new Standards and residents will have seen changes in our key focus areas of:

  • Introducing the Ananda Resident Focused Care model – moving away from a task focus to a true resident focused model.
  • Training and development of staff in partnership with Dementia Training Australia to improve our capacity to support best practice dementia care.
  • Improving the dining experience and meal service.

You will soon receive a copy of the new Aged Care Charter and also the new Ananda Resident Handbook, which discusses the Standards and new concepts like cultural safety, intimacy and sexuality, diversity, dignity of risk and most of all resident choice and preference.

We wish to thank all our hard working and passionate staff who have started this important quality journey with us and for residents and families for ongoing collaboration and feedback which has helped us tailor our understanding of the Standards to our resident population.

If you have any questions at all please speak to our staff, and Ananda management have an open door policy, though it is always helpful to book an appointment so you will be seen promptly.

Resident & Representatives e-news

E-news for residents & representatives
